Coaches and Trainers
Scott Greenman
Owner/ Fitness Trainer
Certification: CSCS
Training Philosophy:
Train with a purpose. Nothing is performed just to be completed and everything is done to accomplish a goal, dream, or steps toward that dream. Preparation always comes before achievement and motivation must happen even when no one else is there to witness it.
Favorite Quote:
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
“The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.” — George S. Patton
Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science at Hope College (Michigan)
Played 4 years of football at Hope College- captain Senior year
Ran one year of Track and Field at Hope College
4 year athlete in High School football, basketball, and track
Ran in Adidas U.S. Nationals in high school
NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
NASE Certified